Nuovi mondi nuove idee 2024
NEW WORLDS NEW IDEAS - congress 2024
Nadro di Ceto, 26-29 June 2024

  • Presentation

  • Call

  • Logistics

  • Program

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (CCSP), founded by Professor Emmanuel Anati in 1964, who currently serves as its honorary president. Over these six decades, CCSP researchers, parteners, and students have dedicated themselves to studying, preserving, and promoting rock art, not only in Valcamonica but globally. The exploration of engravings and paintings on rock surfaces, whether in the open air, shelters, or caves, has evolved significantly, transitioning from a niche in European history to a recognized global phenomenon - a heritage shared by all humans across continents and cultures. In recent decades, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of researchers, projects, and studies in various NEW WORLD regions - from America to Oceania. This surge has led to the establishment of numerous courses, research centers in universities, and associations dedicated to the study of rock art, accompanied by growing interest from the general public. This expansion has not only resulted in important discoveries and the identification of thousands of new sites with ancient images but has also spurred the development of techniques, methods, and NEW IDEAS To commemorate our 60th anniversary, we will host a meeting aimed at exploring and discussing the developments in this “new world” of rock art research and innovation. The congress welcomes researchers and scholars from around the globe, emphasizing face-to-face interaction to facilitate direct exchanges among colleagues and participants. A limited number of online presentations will also be accepted, with digital posters welcomed from all

Scientific commission (currently in the process of defining and verifying)
Mila Simões de Abreu - Unidade de Arqueologia UTAD, CIEBA, CCSP
Suely Amancio Martinelli - Vice-Presidente ABAR - Universidade Federal de Sergipe, São Cristóvão, Sergipe - Brasile
Cristiane de Andrade Buco - Soprintendente IPHAN, Fortaleza, (Ceará) - Brasile
Carlos Etchevarne - Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador Ondina, Bahia - Brasile
Angelo Fossati - Presidente dell’ IFRAO, Cooperativa Le Orme dell’Uomo, Univ. Cattolica Milano - Italia
Marisa Giorgi - Queensland Museum Kurilpa, South Brisbane, Queensland - Australia
Luis Jorge Gonçalves - Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, CIEBA - Brasile
Jenilton Ferreira Santos - Universidade Federal de Sergipe, UFS, São Cristóvão, Sergipe - Brasile
Ken Hedges - San Diego Rock Art Association, San Diego, Ca - USA (to be confirmed)
Mavis e John Greer - Archeologi, Greer Archeology, Casper, Wyoming - USA (to be confirmed)
James D. Keyser - Archeologo, Oregon Archaeological Society, Portland, Oregon - USA (to be confirmed)
Guillermo Munoz - GIPRI, Grupo de investigacion de arte rupestre de Colombia, Bogotá - Colombia
Lizete Dias de Oliveira - Universidade Rio Grande do Sul
Cláudia Matos Pereira - CIEBA, Lisboa - Portogallo
André Prous - Departamento de Antropologia e Arqueologia, Universidade Federal de Minas Geral, Belo Horizonte (MG) - Brasile (to be confirmed)
Claire Smith - Ex-President, World Archaeological Congress, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Flinders University (to be confirmed)
Sven Ouzman - Univ. Western Australia, Centre for Rock Art Research and Management, Perth - Australia (to be confirmed)
Judith Trujillo - Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, GIPRI, Bogotá - Colombia
Verônica Viana - Archeologa, IPHAN, Fortaleza, Ceará – Brasile

Executive committee
Mila Simões de Abreu
Tiziana Cittadini
Valeria Damioli
Marisa Giorgi
Ludwig Jaffe
Faysal Lemjidi
Nives Pezzoni

Presentation method
Fill in the form at the following link
or by sending an e-mail indicating your name, affiliation, contact details and an abstract of up to 250 words, 2 images and 5 keywords.

Submitting proposals: 15 April 2024
Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2024
Full article submission for publication within the proceedings: 30 May 2024

Official languages
English, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese

Presentation topics
State of research and new discoveries; publications, exhibitions, conferences and international projects

The congress will be held in the conference room of the Museum of the Riserva Naturale Incisioni Rupestri in the village of Nadro di Ceto (Valcamonica, Italy), located near several rock art zones such as Foppe di Nadro and Zurla. The event will be live-streamed for subscribers and accessible to all through CCSP’s YouTube channel.

To accommodate participants across different time zones, morning sessions will cater to those present in the room and attendees from Asia/Australia/Oceania, while afternoon sessions will focus on colleagues from the Americas and other continents.

Digital posters will be available during intervals without direct transmissions and will also accessible on CCSP’s YouTube channel.

Before and after the congress, participants can explore other rock art areas and visit MUPRE and other archaeological and historical sites in Valcamonica.

The congress New Worlds New Ideas will take place at the conference room of the Museum of the Reserve, in Nadro di Ceto (Museum of the Reserve, via Piana 29 - Nadro di Ceto Bs - Valcamonica, Italy).
Valle Camonica can be reached thanks to the use of public transport – especially buses and trains – which, however, are very limited in this area. The best way to travel within the valley is by car; therefore, taking advantage of the rental service is strongly recommended.

Valcamonica can be reached through the following airports:
Bergamo - Orio al Serio (90 km);
Milano Linate (140 km) and
Milano Malpensa (190 km)

Rent a car
Given the territorial conformation, the limited number of daily journeys made by public transportation and the hotels dislocation, the possibility offered by the car rental is the most convenient. To avoid changes and problems in moving, we recommend the rental of a car in the terminal of the arrival and departure airport. For further information, see the following website:

Taxi service
Approximate cost for taxi ride (one way, payable directly to taxi driver):
from Orio al Serio International Airport (Milan – Bergamo) to Darfo Boario Terme: 100€
from Linate International Airport (Milan) to Darfo Boario Terme: 180€
from Malpensa International Airport (Milan) to Darfo Boario Terme: 200€.

Other solution
For further integrated mobility solutions, consult the website:

The accommodation solutions that were agreed upon with the congress will be available soon. The CCSP secretariat will be happy to help participants find the most suitable solution.

The conference programme will be available from 2 June 2024


Congress New World New Ideas
info: Centro camuno di Studi Preistorici - tel +39 0364 42091 - mail